Category: Scott Kelby , Second Annual World Wide Photowalk
Saturday, July 18, 2009 was the Second Annual World Wide Photo Walk sponsored by Scott Kelby. It started early in the day at Old Sacramento & the Rail Road Museum which I've never been to by the way. This is also my first time attending a photo walk and it was a lot of fun. I believe there were three other locations within the Sacramento area-- the Capitol, Folsom, and Roseville. I wish I could have made it to all of these locations but the registration list filled up fast. There are two compeititions for this photo walk and prizes are listed here. I'm really hoping that I can place because the prizes are very nice and expensive. (Plus my birthday is coming up soon so this will actually be good timing if I can bring home a prize.) Anyway, without boring you any longer, below are some pics for your viewing.
To view my competitors, please click here.
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